onsdag den 23. september 2009


det er værelset man altid gerne vil have på trods af neonstøj. also det værelse der ligger lige hvor hotel-skiltet blinker.

2 kommentarer:

mortnokbo sagde ...

what are the chances? we have stayed in the same room!
but alicantes four stars was not good to me. i will not be going back soon. but their gambas?


Jakob Kristian Sørensen sagde ...

well gambas alicantes are the best! they are made from pure gold and sweetly simmered in floating diamonds. i love that shit. also, i like the diversity of alicante. you meet the honoured people of the british isles, fine folks of africa and - not the least - the now free people of the former east-block. well when i think back, i kinda like the place.